Fragmented MP4 and MPEG-DASH validation

QuickTime/MP4 Validation module now support validation of fragmented MP4 files, Smooth Streaming MP4 files and MPEG-DASH MP4 based media files. Some of the boxes, supported for validation are: ‘mehd’, ‘trex’, ‘tfra’, ‘mfro’, ‘mfhd’, ‘trun’, ‘sdtp’, ‘sbgp’, ‘tfdt’, ‘sidx’, ‘saio’, ‘saiz’ and ‘ssix’. Additionally, the validation module has been extended with validation support of more than one hundred new boxes and atoms.

The validation is available for automated processing in MediaValidator and for manual processing in AtomBox Pro and AtomBox Ultimate solutions. It is also available in Media Analyzer – our latest solution for powerful analysis and validation of multiple media formats.