AtomBox Studio – The Must-have Tool For MP4 and QuickTime File Analysis
AtomBox Studio Pro analyzer provides a structural representation of the QuickTime, MP4, Fragmented MP4, 3GPP, 3GPP2 and Flash Video containers file format. A tree-view presents the detailed atom and box structure of the file. It also shows the inner hierarchy and full parameter list of atoms and boxes. A separate hexadecimal data preview is available, enabled for automatic file data positioning on tree-view atom/box selection.Along with the presentation capabilities, the AtomBox Studio can perform multiple operations on the supported containers such as container validation, demultiplex, re-multiplex, atom extraction and merging, atoms and tracks enabling and disabling, etc.
AtomBox Studio Pro also offers QuickTime and MP4 files verification and validation according to the Apple’s QuickTime File Format standard and the ISO/IEC 14496-12/14 standard. The currently loaded file in the AtomBox Studio Pro can be validated by selecting “Validation” from the “Tools” menu.
AtomBox Studio Ultimate is a product extension of the AtomBox Studio Pro. Along with the standard functionality of AtomBox Studio Pro, the extended product includes AVC/H.264 Video Validation and AAC Audio Validation Modules. The container validation as well as the audio and video elementary streams validation are now enabled. The HEVC/H.265 Video Validation is available as a separate purchase option. The elementary streams validation process is performed by on-the-fly demultiplexing and verifyication of all audio and video elementary streams subsequently. The Ultimate version of AtomBox Studio supports stream view of AVC/H.264, HEVC/H.265, VVC/H.266, AAC and AC-3 elementary streams.
The currently loaded file in the AtomBox Studio Ultimate can be validated by selecting “Validation” from the “Tools” menu.
Apart from the manual QuickTime and MP4 media validation provided in the AtomBox Studio Pro solution, Jongbel Media Solutions also provides automated QuickTime and MP4 media validation in its Media Validator solution.
The combined validation report output, containing the multiplex and all elementary streams validation information, can be exported into XML report file, having the full report information in standard XML format. This allows easy integration of the solution with any digital media workflow and further processing of the report information with any third party systems.
Main Features
- Structural representation of mov, mp4, fmp4, 3gp, 3g2 and f4v file containers.
- Hex data representation of the file.
- Automatic hex positioning of the selected atom/box.
- Stream View module to preview AVC/H.264, HEVC/H.265, VVC/H.266, AAC and AC-3
elementary streams - Stream graph module to preview the elementary stream frames
distribution - Export of file atom/box structure.
- Append atom/box file.
- User data appending and extraction.
- Hex data editing of the selected atom/box.
- Extraction of selected atom/box to a separate file.
- Tracks demultiplexing.
- Tracks disabling and enabling.
- Atom/Box Renaming.
- Tracks re-multiplexing.
- mdat and moov atoms/boxes position switching.
- Text selection and copy from both tree and hex views.
- Command-line atom/box structure export – automation.
- Dual Mode for two container files parameter comparison.
- Stream Frame Graph presentation.
- QuickTime and MP4 based files validation;
AtomBox Studio Pro supports the following validation modules as separate options:
- AVC/H.264 Video Validation Module.
- HEVC/H.265 Video Validation Module.
- AAC Audio Validation Module;
The following list contains some of the QuickTime/MP4 container validation check groups used in the verification process:
- Mandatory atom/box absence check;
- Atom/Box extended size check;
- Atom/Box completeness check;
- Zero atom/box check;
- Descriptors completeness check;
- moov/mdat position index information;
- Mandatory entries absence;
- Zero entries presence;
- Header parameter values check;
- Media header information;
- Descriptors information;
- Track Header information;
- Media Duration information;
The following list contains some of the AVC/H.264 and HEVC/H.265 video validation check groups used in the verification process:
- Corrupted video frames while decoding;
- Valid video frame resolution check;
- Changing video frame resolution check;
- Valid FPS check;
- Changing FPS check;
- Changing Field order check;
- Changing Picture Structure check;
- Video Stream parameters information;
The following list contains some of the AAC audio validation check groups used in the verification process:
- Corrupted AAC audio frames;
- Changing header parameters;
- Valid audio header parameters;
- Junk data blocks detection;
- Audio Profile information;
- Audio Frequency information;
- Audio Channels configuration information;
Product Manual
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AtomBox Studio’s General Info

AtomBox Studio
All container errors, such as important atom/box absence, incorrect container structure or invalid header values, pointed as mandatory in the corresponding specification are output as Error Report. All container irregularities, which are not pointed as mandatory in the corresponding specification, but have unusual content are output as Warning Reports. Additionally there is a set of Informational Reports, which deliver more detailed information about the file being examined, such as the tracks format, media duration, moov and mdat atom/box positioning, etc.

AtomBox Validation preview
Each QuickTime and MP4 check can be disabled or enabled or set to another report type, such as Info, Warning or Error. The solution can be applied in wide variety of workflows and with many container format deviations due to its flexibility and customization ability.

AtomBox Studio Validation Settings Advanced preview
The validation report output can be exported into XML report file, containing the full report information in standard XML format. This allows easy integration of the solution with any digital media workflow and further processing of the report information with any third party systems.
The validation takes only a few seconds for an average long and complex media file to be processed.
Supported structures
Structure type | Description |
c064 | Chunk Offset (64 bit offset) |
ctts | Composition Time To Sample |
dinf | Data Information |
dref | Data Reference |
edts | Edit |
elst | Edit List |
hdlr | Handler Reference |
mdhd | Media Header |
mdia | Media |
minf | Media Information |
moov | Movie |
mvhd | Movie Header |
smhd | Sound Media Information Header |
stbl | Sample Table |
stco | Chunk Offset (32 bit offset) |
stsc | Sample-to-Chunk |
stsd | Sample Description |
stss | Sync Sample |
stsz | Sample Size |
stts | Time-to-Sample |
tkhd | Track Header |
trak | Track |
vmhd | Video Media Information Header |
pnot | Preview |
load | Track Loading Settings |
keys | Metadata Item Keys |
ilst | Metadata Item List |
gmin | Base Media Info |
gmhd | Base Media Information Header |
ftyp | File Type Compatibility |
ctab | Color Table |
cslg | Composition Shift Least Greatest |
clef | Track Clean Aperture Dimensions |
colr | Color Parameter |
enof | Track Encoded Pixels Dimensions |
fiel | Field Parameter |
mehd | Movie Extends Header |
meta | Metadata |
mfhd | Movie Fragment Header |
mfra | Movie Fragment Random Access |
mfro | Movie Fragment Random Access Offset |
moof | Movie Fragment |
mvex | Movie Extends |
nmhd | Null Media Header |
pasp | Pixel Aspect Ratio |
pdin | Progressive Download Information |
prof | Track Production Aperture Dimensions |
sdtp | Independent and Disposable Samples |
tapt | Track aperture mode dimensions |
tfhd | Track Fragment Header |
tfra | Track Fragment Random Access |
traf | Track Fragment |
tref | Track Reference Container |
trex | Track Extends Defaults |
Structure type | Description |
trun | Track Fragment Run |
wave | Wave Parameter |
tcmi | Timecode Media Information |
udta | User Data |
esds | Elementary Stream Descriptor |
sbgp | Sample To Group |
avcC | AVC Decoder Configuration |
sinf | Protection Scheme Info |
schm | Scheme Type |
frma | Format |
hmhd | Hint Media Header |
tims | Timescale Entry |
tsro | Time Offset |
snro | Sequence Offset |
btrt | Bit Rate |
clap | Clean Aperture |
sidx | Segment Index |
tfdt | Track Fragment Base Media Decode Time |
pssh | Protection System Specific Header |
saiz | Sample Auxiliary Information Sizes |
saio | Sample Auxiliary Information Offsets |
leva | Level Assignment |
ssix | Subsegment Index |
prft | Producer Reference Time |
abst | Bootstrap Info |
asrt | Segment Run Table |
afrt | Fragment Run Table |
afra | Fragment Random Access |
auth | Author Metadata Tag |
titl | Title Metadata Tag |
dscp | Description Metadata Tag |
cprt | Copyright Metadata Tag |
rtmp | Adobe Mux Hint Sample Entry |
amhp | Adobe Mux Hint Process |
amto | Adobe Mux Time Offset |
encv | Encrypted Video |
enca | Encrypted Audio |
encr | Encrypted Data |
adkm | Adobe DRM Key Management System |
ahdr | Adobe DRM Header |
aprm | Standard Encryption Params |
aeib | Encryption Information |
akey | Key Information |
flxs | Flash Access Params |
adaf | Adobe DRM Access Unit Format |
chan | Audio Channel Layout |
vwid | View Identifier |
mvci | Multiview Information |
mvcg | Multiview Group |
mvcC | MVC Decoder Configuration |
styp | Segment Type Compatibility |
tmcd | Timecode Sample Descriptor |
schi | Scheme Information |
uuid | UUID |
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