Meet us at NAB in Las Vegas

Meet us at NAB this year! Our team will attend the NAB show this year in Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada USA from 08th to 11th of April.

Contact us for scheduling a meeting with our team during the exhibition. Meet us and find out more about our solutions media file analysis and validation solutions.

On this NAB we present the new High Efficiency Video Coding analysis solution – HEVC/H.265 Video ES Viewer. It supports all main header structures and SEI messages, hex representation of the loaded stream, hex editing and extraction of Access Units and video stream manipulation.

We also present the new ProRes Video ES Viewer analysis tool, which supports ProRes 422 High Quality, ProRes 422 Standard Definition, ProRes 422 LT, ProRes 422 Proxy and ProRes 4444 video streams formats analysis.